What is an API? What is REST? What is ODATA? We hear a lot about them but. What do they do, where do we find them, and how do you use them to interact with Dynamics 365 Business Central data? More importantly, how can we learn about them?
In this episode of In the Dynamics Corner Chair, we deep dive into Business Central APIs with the author of “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central API Reference” and Microsoft MVP Jeremy Vyska. Jeremy sat with us to explain the ins and outs of using Business Central APIs to exchange data with an external source. We also got a peak behind the scenes of authoring a book. You also want to listen to the big news Jeremy announced during the Podcast!
Learn more about Jeremy Vyska via his resource links on the SpareBrained website https://sparebrained.com/jeremy
The GitHub Code Repository referenced by Jeremy on the Podcast – https://github.com/StefanMaron/MSDyn365BC.Code.History