Tag: Guest

Episode 221: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: Are you unsure which E-commerce solution suits your needs?

Nowadays, e-commerce plays a vital role in businesses. It enables companies, regardless of their size, to access a worldwide market without requiring a significant physical presence or numerous local stores, allowing for a vast global reach. Online shopping offers the comfort of buying products or services anytime and anywhere. Customers can instantly compare products, prices, …

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Episode 220: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: The AL Compiler In Depth

AL is a programming language used to customize and extend the functionality of Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 Business Central. Have you ever thought about what is involved in maintaining the Language? With the emergence of Dynamics 365 Business Central, a new programming language called AL was introduced to replace C/AL (which represents C/Advanced Language), the Language …

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Episode 218: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: Navigating the World of Business Central Licensing

Many software industries, particularly those offering Software as a Service (SaaS), commonly use a subscription-based licensing model. This model has numerous benefits, including predictable costs, scalability, and lower upfront expenses. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central provides several subscription options, and with options come questions. Which do I need? In this episode, we speak with Blake …

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Episode 217: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: How to Live the Life of a Digital Nomad

Meriam-Webster defines a nomad as “a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place, usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory .“ With the rise of remote work, an increasing number of individuals are opting for the digital nomad lifestyle. While the idea of balancing work and travel …

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Episode 216: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: MSDYN365BC Empowering Community Contributions

Do you have ideas for features you’d like to see as part of the world-class Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP software product? Are there issues that you want to help fix? It is now possible for you to work with the Business Central Product Team through GitHub and contribute your changes to the Base …

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Episode 215: In the Dynamics Corner Chair: The Show Must Go On

There are many conference options, each offering a lot to different audiences. DynamicsCon Live is one of the conference options for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. We speak with Andrea Riviezzo and Kristen Hosman in this Dynamics Corner Chair episode. Listen as they share their conference survival tips and discuss who should attend and what …

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